Reputation Profile: Todd
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Personal Info:   
Name:  Todd Carter VERIFIED Gender:  Male
Allendale, MI VERIFIED
United States
Year Born:  1965 VERIFIED
Home Page:
Football, baseball, writing, reading, Internet, PCs, Macs, programming, genealogy, travel
Welcome message:
Hi. I'm an author of five consumer-technology books and a freelance journalist. I live in Allendale, Michigan, which is about 20 miles east of Lake Michigan. I have a cat named Fitz.
My Online Identities:   
  Ownership of this ID verified ID: toddwc (More info)
Site: eBay
  Ownership of this ID verified ID: toddwc (More info)
Site: Yahoo!
  Ownership of this ID verified ID: toddwc (More info)
Site: Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
  Ownership of this ID verified ID: ToddWC
  Ownership of this ID verified ID: ToddWC
Site: digg
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